This vintage magazine advertisement features a hand bell that was manufactured by the N. N. Hill Brass Co. of East Hampton, Conn. The ad is from the September 6, 1917 issue of Hardware Age magazine. Here is a black and white clip art version of the bell from the ad. Click on images to enlarge.
Baby Carriages ~ Free Vintage Clip Art
Here are vintage catalogue listings for two styles of baby carriages. Each of the carriages is covered by a ruffled parasol. The ads are from the 1908 Spiegel May Stern Co. Universal Home Furnishers Catalogue. Here are black and white clip art versions of the baby carriages from the ads. Click on images to enlarge.
Fisk Tires Winter Scene ~ Free Vintage Graphics
Here is a vintage magazine advertisement for Fisk tires. The ad features an illustration of a winter scene, with four young boys admiring the tires on a car parked outside a Fisk Tires garage. A woman is seated in the car and a man (perhaps her husband) is outside the vehicle, standing beside the mechanic, on…
Runkel’s Chocolate ~ Free Vintage Clip Art
“Milk is Food Chocolate is Food. Separately or together they both contain great nutriment.” states this vintage magazine advertisement for Runkel’s chocolate. The ad also claims that, “In all the food world there is not another instance of a confection so delicious, so universally popular, so satisfying, and so nutritious as chocolate, especially if it…
Taplin Egg Beaters ~ Free Vintage Clip Art
This vintage magazine advertisement features two types of egg beaters that were made by The Taplin Mfg. Co. The ad includes an illustration of the beaters: a Double Dasher and a Dover Egg Beater. The ad is from the September 6, 1917 issue of Hardware Age magazine. Here is a black and white clip art…
Parlor Heating Coal Stove ~ Free Vintage Clip Art
This old catalogue page features a beautifully designed Acme Sunburst Hard Coal Base Burner, a parlor heating stove. The page includes a detailed description of the stove and pricing that ranged from $22.37 to $29.00 for stove sizes 52 – 57 inches from floor to urn base. The page is from the Sears, Roebuck & Co.1907…
White Lily Face Wash ~ Free Vintage Clip Art
Here is an old catalogue advertisement for White Lily Face Wash. The ad claims the face wash to be an invaluable remedy for pimples, freckles, sallowness, roughness, wrinkles, tan, blackheads, irritations and imperfections of the skin. Although this face wash was manufactured in a chemical laboratory, the ad claims that, unlike other beauty products on…
Masquerade and Carnival ~ Free Clip Art
Here is a vintage magazine advertisement for a book titled Masquerade and Carnival: Their Customs and Costumes. The book was published by The Butterick Publishing Co. of New York. The ad includes an illustration of a man dressed in a Shakespearean costume and a display of a feathered fan, vase of flowers, long gloves and…
Hood’s Latest ~ Free Victorian Trade Card Image
This Victorian trading card features the face of a pretty young lady peeking through a torn newspaper. The heading of the newspaper is Hood’s Latest and the year was 1884. The advertising on the card is for Hood’s Sarsaparilla – a preparation of sarsaparilla, dandelion, mandrake, yellow dock and other remedial agents, to purify the…
Ariosa Coffee Victorian Card ~ Free Graphics
Here is a Victorian advertising card for Arbuckle’s Ariosa coffee. The front of the card includes an illustration of four birds. Three of the birds are nestled in deep grass and one bird is about to fly off (or is perhaps returning to the others in the grass). From the information included on the back of this…
Vintage Herbs Advertisement ~ Free Clip Art
This vintage catalogue advertisement includes brief descriptions and prices for several types of herbs. This old ad includes the “herb” opium poppy at 5 cents for a 20 oz. packet, 40 cents for ¼ lb. and $1.25 for 1 lb. The ad includes an illustration of bottled sage, coriander, dill, fennel and lavender and tins…
Feder’s Pompadour Ad ~ Free Vintage Image
Here is a vintage magazine advertisement for a Feder’s Pompadour skirt protector. The ad features an illustration of a Victorian woman wearing a long warm coat over a floor-length dress. A bit of ruffle is showing at the hem of her dress. Click on image to enlarge.