February 1, 2013
Here is the February page from Herrick’s Almanac, 1906. The page includes advertising for Dr…
January 31, 2013
Here is a vintage sheet music graphic with a song titled Love’s Old Sweet Song. The page…
January 30, 2013
Here is a beautiful and romantic ladies’ vintage fan. It’s from the February 1896 issue…
January 28, 2013
Here is a cute vintage Valentine with an illustration of a boy in overalls and a straw hat with an…
January 28, 2013
I’ve added the following items to my Etsy shop:The Proposal by Harrison Fisher The Trousseau…
January 26, 2013
Here is a pretty Victorian calling card with a frame of flowers and an outstretched hand surrounding…
January 25, 2013
Here is a vintage magazine advertisement for a wood-burning Home Comfort stove. Although not likely…
January 24, 2013
There are a couple adorable kids and a bunch of colorful books on this cute vintage Valentine card…
January 23, 2013
This vintage page is from a small book of poetry titled Roses and Lilies from Longfellow, 1898. The…
January 22, 2013
Here is a large vintage children’s Valentine with a cute image of a very happy boy and girl…
January 21, 2013
This vintage advertisement includes illustrations of free gifts you could have earned with an annual…
January 19, 2013
Here is an adorable vintage Valentine’s Day greeting card. This cute little lamb is dressed in…