Here is the December page from Herrick’s Almanac for 1906. The November page from the almanac is…
Here are four uniquely tied and shaped ribbons. One has been draped while the other three have been…
This fun vintage Christmas postcard graphic features three children and a snowman. A boy is putting…
This engraving of a beautiful antique soup tureen is from The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue…
This vintage Christmas postcard by Ellen Clapsaddle includes a wishbone tied to a horseshoe with a…
Here is a vintage page of Christmas sheet music that includes the songs Santa Claus and Old English…
This fun vintage Christmas greeting card features a family of Santas, including daddy Santa, mommy…
Here is a one-sided vintage Christmas greeting card that features a horse drawn carriage filled with…
This pretty clip art vintage ladies’ hat includes a ring of roses around the crown. The hat is…
This vintage postcard features a beautiful sprig of holly with vibrant red berries, a country winter…
Here are two full-size printable vintage catalogue pages that include a fun variety of unbreakable…
This wonderful engraving of antique books is from The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue, published…