These butterfly book pages are the first three pages of an encyclopedia article about butterflies. The first page also includes a brief illustrated article about the buttercup, a yellow wild flower or weed of the roadside and field, found in England, The United States and Canada. A short poem, under the illustration, reads: “The buttercups,…
Butterflies and Insects
Wood and Scarlet Tiger Moths Vintage Illustration
This printable vintage book plate includes illustrations of beautiful reddish, orange and yellow colored wood and scarlet tiger moths. The description on the page is: Plate XV119. Wood Tiger. Male. Chelonia plantaginis. 120. Wood Tiger. Female. Chelonia plantaginis121. Scarlet Tiger. Larva. Callimorpha dominula.122. Scarlet Tiger. Larva. Callimorpha dominula. 123. Scarlet Tiger. Pupa. Callimorpha dominula.124. Scarlet…
Butterflies and Moths Vintage Illustrations
Here are two vintage book plate scans featuring beautiful illustrations of butterflies and moths. The first is Plate III. The illustrations included on this page are: #17. Small White. Larva. Pieris rapae. #18 and #19. Small White. Pupa. Pieris rapae. #20. Small White. Male. Pieris rapae. #21. Small White. Female. Pieris rapae. #22. Small White….
Vintage Butterflies and Congratulations Tracie
This vintage book page features twenty illustrations of colorful butterflies and moths. The name of each butterfly and moth is included above or below the illustrations. A few of the butterflies and moths included on the page are: Laertes Butterfly, Zebra Butterfly, Tiger Swallow Tail Butterfly, Goat Moth, Scarlet Tiger Moth, Monarch Butterfly, and Malachite…
Free Vintage Butterfly Illustration
This vintage book page features an illustration of one small butterfly in flight. The butterfly is surrounded by white space on the page. Here is a black and white clip art version of the butterfly. I scanned the original book page from an antique book in my collection titled Nearer my God to Thee. The…
Spiders ~ Free Vintage Clip Art
This vintage clip art illustration features two spiders. The first spider at the top of the image, is a Clubiona nutrix. The second spider is a Ciniflo ferox. The image is from Wood’s Illustrated Natural History by Rev. J. G. Wood. The book was published in 1863. Click on image to enlarge.
Honey Bees Clip Art
Here is a wonderful vintage clip art illustration of honey bees. The illustration includes a worker bee, a queen bee and a drone. The image is from the Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening – A Practical and Scientific Encyclopedia of Horticulture, edited by George Nicholson, circa 1885. Click on image to enlarge.
Butterfly Stencil Clip Art
Here is a lovely vintage clip art illustration of a butterfly and another smaller design that matches the center part of the butterfly. The images are stencils from the Priscilla Fancy Work Catalogue, 1910. Click on image to enlarge.
Free Vintage Scorpion Clip Art Image
This vintage illustration of a scorpion is from the antique book Hooker’s Illustrated Natural History by Worthington Hooker, M.D. The book was published in 1864. Here is a black and white clip art version. Click on images to enlarge.
Hanging Spider ~ Free Vintage Clip Art
This vintage illustration features a large spider hanging by its web from a branch. The image is from Hooker’s Illustrated Natural History by Worthington Hooker, M.D. The book was published in 1864. Here is a black and white clip art version of the hanging spider. Click on images to enlarge.
Long-tailed Ichneumon Fly ~ Free Vintage Clip Art
With its transparent wings, long slender body, long tails and long antennae, I think this is an elegant looking insect. It’s a Long-tailed Ichneumon Fly. The image is from Hooker’s Illustrated Natural History by Worthington Hooker, M.D. The book was published in 1864. Click on image to enlarge.
Vintage Dragonfly ~ Free Clip Art
Here is a vintage dragonfly image. It’s from the book Natural History by Worthington Hooker, M.D., 1864. Click on image to enlarge.