This antique newspaper article is titled The News of the Week. The article features general comings and goings of the local citizens, and in some cases their out-of-town friends and relatives.
I scanned the article from the Souvenir Holiday Edition of the Mount Morris Index. It was published on December 13, 1905. Since it was close to Christmas, some of the information included in the article pertains to the holiday season.
Click HERE for the full-size printable PDF of the newspaper article.
Some of the events mentioned include:
“Edward Slater is spending a few days at Rockford.”
“An eleven-pound son was born December 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Niman.”
“Oren Clapper, who has been in attendance at a theological school in Boston, Mass., is expected home to spend the holidays.”
“A number of Mount Morris young folks have been enjoying the moonlight nights by driving to Leaf River near which place is fine skating on a large pond.”
A few additional news of the week items of interest include:
“Our merchants very generally have arranged more attractive show windows than ever before. As Christmas draws nearer trade is greatly increasing.”
“In sending Christmas packages through the mails be sure that you place sufficient postage on them to insure reaching their destination.”
“The calendars and almanacs for the year 1906 have commenced to make their appearance in Mount Morris. The almanacs this year are produced on a more elaborate scale than ever before and are small encyclopedias of useful information.”
A few written advertisements are included in the article, such as:
“Get your Christmas cranberries, apples, sweet potatoes, celery, honey, fresh candy and cookies at Sharer’s.”
The original page I scanned is 10.5” x 15.5”. I shrunk it down to fit an 8.5” x 11” paper for the convenience of printing.
New in my Etsy shop this week is a set of 20 shabby and aged printable medical prescriptions. The prescriptions I scanned for this set are from the late 1800s to very early 1900s.
Preview image is linked to my Etsy shop.
Thank you, Julie! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas (holiday) with people you love and whom love you.
You’re welcome, Tuesday! Thank you for the wonderful Christmas wishes. I hope you have an excellent Christmas with your loved ones! ? ?
Thanks for this news of the week, Julie! They were still doing this kind of local news bits when I was a kid. Somewhere there’s a clipping about my cousin’s birthday party with all of our names listed as the guests! Can you imagine? Lol!
Did you the one about the newspaper itself having had it’s new electric light system started and it was giving entire satisfaction?
I love it!
And in case I don’t get around to it later, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
You’re welcome Kathy. How fun that you have a clipping about your cousin’s birthday party with all of your names listed as the guests! I can’t help but wonder who was responsible for gathering the personal information to provide to the newspaper.
I read the entire article to be sure there wasn’t anything inappropriate included. It’s so interesting that the newspaper had its new electric light system started. That would have been big news back then. I love it too!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas as well! ??
I’ve been reading more of the little bits of info in that Index paper, and in some ways it reminds me of Facebook. Some people post every little detail of their lives on Facebook and this is similar.
It’s so much fun, thanks again for sharing it with us!
Thank you, what a different world. Happy Christmas
You’re right, Pat. So much has changed in the last 100 years. Happy Christmas to you also! ?