This aged and shabby Victorian Christmas calling card includes an illustration of holly and berries tucked under a corner fold. The fold is finished with a small cluster of flowers and the decoration frames a white space that was designed for a person’s name. The name on this card is Lilly Hawk.
I’ve removed the name for a second version of this lovely old card.
Click on images to enlarge.
What a pretty gift card, thank you
Hey! Neato! I printed this out for my Mom and we’re going to use it for the place cards for Christmas dinner. My youngest brother is interested in calligraphy and knows how to do Spencerian penmanship. I think they’ll be awesome. Thanks!
Thank you Julie for sharing this adorable gift card.
I wanted to this opportunity to say I hope you’re feeling well and the healing is progressing. Here’s sending the very best Christmas wishes your way and may 2015 be a kinder year to you with lots of happiness.
You’re welcome Angela.
Rick, I love the idea to use these for place cards and it’s wonderful that your brother knows how to do Spencerian penmanship!
Glenda, my shoulder aches sometimes, especially at night but no major pain as when it was first broken. I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon on December 29th to determine whether I will require surgery or continue wearing the sling. I’m praying for no surgery. Very best Christmas wishes sent your way as well!