This free printable vintage sample writing page includes a handwritten alphabet in both uppercase and lowercase letters. Also included on the page are numbers one through nine, and zero, a variety of symbols such as a dollar sign, cent sign, percent sign, a check mark, question mark, exclamation mark and a few fractions.
Two sample handwritten sentences are also included. They read, “Silver and gold are not the only coin; virtue too passes current all over the world” and “No form of Nature is inferior to Art; for the arts merely imitate natural forms”.
You can download the full size version here.
Here is a copy of the vintage sample writing page in a black and white clip art version.
You can download the full size version here.
I scanned the original page from an antique book titled Home Cyclopedia of Necessary Knowledge. The book was published in 1902.
New in my Etsy shop is a printable set of Gems of Literature, a variety of 35 antique quotes, sayings and mottos by famous authors.
Image is linked to my Etsy shop.
This is an unpaid, unrequested promo for a related item in the Old Design Shop on Etsy. I had just realized the need for a booklet on penmanship to use in my One-Room School program. If you find yourself wanting/needing more than just this excellent page, or even think you might be interested, go to
. I bought and downloaded the vintage 1890s Appleton’s Penmanship school handwriting booklet. To make my purchase even better, right now it’s half off for only $2.50, but I see that sale price will end in 12 hours. Even full price is reasonable. I am delighted with how well it reproduced to look like an old-time exercise booklet. I’ve had grandparents in my programs talk about having to help their grandchildren since this has been dropped from many curricula. (I’m just beginning to see it return a bit.)
Thank you for the free downloads. I certainly appreciate it. I’ve found you through Jibid Neary.
You’re welcome, Sandy. I’m glad you’re enjoying the freebies.
Jibid Neary is wonderful – exceptionally talented and such a sweet person! ?