Here is a black and white clip art collection of Victorian men’s neckwear. I scanned the original images from the Koch & Co. Spring and Summer 1898 Fashion Catalogue.
Details for each item in this collection are as follows (left to right, top to bottom): 1. Men’s Teck Scarf, neat fancy effects, also black silk and satin, 25c, 49c and 79c each. 2. Men’s Puff Scarf, light and dark effects, 49c and 98c each; plain black silk or satin, 49c, 75c and 98c each. 3. Men’s Imperial, new patterns in light and dark grounds, also black silk and satin, 49c, 79c and 98c each. 4. Men’s Four-in-Hand Scarfs, neat choice patterns, also black silk and satin, 49c, 79c and 98c each. 5. Men’s Band Bows, choice effects in dots and figures, also black silk and satin, 25c and 45c each. 6. Men’s Washable Madras Four-in-Hands, fast woven colors, in a variety of new patterns, 19c and 25c each.
Click on image to enlarge.
You do find such interesting things. Thank you for all your work.
Forgot to ask. Do u have any old west towns ? B&W or color.
You’re welcome, Diana.
I don’t recall seeing any images of old west towns in the books or magazines that I have but I will keep that in mind when I’m browsing.