Here is a vintage postcard of a cute little chick standing on an egg that is nestled amongst some pretty pink flowers. The chick appears to be admiring a flower bud. The message is: Hearty Easter Greetings.
Click on image to enlarge.
Here is a vintage postcard of a cute little chick standing on an egg that is nestled amongst some pretty pink flowers. The chick appears to be admiring a flower bud. The message is: Hearty Easter Greetings.
Click on image to enlarge.
Julie is a vintage enthusiast and a Photoshop addict who collects old books and new recipes.
Contact her at: theolddesignshop(at) gmail(dot)com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
So pretty, there’s just something special about vintage graphics!
P. S. How is Austin doing?
Hi Julie,
It’s nice to “see” you. 🙂
One of Austin’s doctors recently used the word “storybook” when describing Austin’s recovery from his heart transplant to Austin’s mom and dad.
Austin is at home and doing exceptionally well but normal life at home has definitely changed. His fluid intake has to be monitored daily, he’s still on many medications (I think it’s 12) that have to be administered 4 times/day. He has several weekly appointments for a variety of tests and/or therapy. Although not all of these tests are done on a weekly basis, he goes for: blood work, EKGs, echocardiograms and biopsies. He attends therapy sessions three or four times/week (speech, occupational and physio). He’s still working hard on regaining his speech and the use of his left hand, two things that were affected by the stroke he had while on the artificial heart. Last weekend Austin was proud to show me that he was able to open all of the fingers on his left hand but it took every single bit of concentration and strength for him to do it. With a hurting heart, this grandma wanted to reach out and unfold his fingers and massage his hand for him but it was a proud moment for Austin so I watched in silence until the last finger slowly uncurled and stretched out rigidly. Then I clapped and cheered and Austin smiled with satisfaction.
Austin can’t be around crowds for the first year post transplant (no children’s church, Walmart, etc). Restaurants and movie theaters are only okay if it’s during a quiet time. Good hand washing habits, not only for Austin, but the whole family, are crucial to reduce the spread of germs. All of these precautions are because Austin is severely immunosuppresed from some of the medications he’s on. After a year, he should be weaned down to two anti-rejection medications that he’ll continue to take for the remainder of his life.
Austin is very happy though. One of the things he used to occasionally say before his illness is, “This is the best day ever”. He’s started saying that again!
Thank you for the update, as I think of Austin often. I do suppose it is slow getting back after all he has been through, but thankfully he has the chance to do so!
Amen! ♥
merci beaucoup pour toutes ces belles images ! Mary-Papier