June 10, 2022
The following catalog page features a variety of antique golf goods, including: golf bags, golf…
This vintage book plate features illustrated construction specs for a wooden toboggan. The…
Here is a black and white vintage clip art illustration of a wooden toboggan. I scanned the original…
January 22, 2017
Here is a vintage magazine advertisement for Barney & Berry ice skates. The ad features an…
January 6, 2017
Here are three vintage catalogue pages of fishing tackle. Some of the items included on the pages…
This vintage birthday postcard features a peaceful tree-lined path in the country scene. A flourish…
June 25, 2015
Here is a vintage clip art illustration of a beautiful stamped leather horse saddle. The image is…
June 6, 2015
Here are clip art illustrations of a Victorian boy, his baseball bat and ball. The images are from…
June 1, 2015
Here is a vintage catalogue advertisement for a cooking kit that was made for camping. The kit…
April 13, 2015
This vintage illustration features a sailing ship on a sandy beach. A wooden bucket and partially…
March 25, 2015
This lovely vintage engraving features a Victorian lady walking down a path between two rows of tall…
January 11, 2015
Here is a vintage clip art illustration of a young Victorian lady working out with light weights…