This beautiful group of flowers includes four varieties of Campanulas, commonly known as bellflowers. They species included are: C. lactiflora, C. rotundifolia Hostii, C. carpathica turbinata and C. carpathica alba. The illustration is from the Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening – A Practical and Scientific Encyclopaedia of Horticulture, edited by George Nicholson, circa 1885. Here is a black and white…
Archives for November 11, 2014
Vintage Toys
Here is a vintage catalogue page of toys. Included on the page is a stuffed cow, a stuffed horse and a stuffed dog. The stuffed animals are on wheels and range in price from $1.19 to $4.98. There are three toy stock farms on the page, ranging in price from 51 cents to $1.98. A…